Doguivit® Adult
Multivitamin & Mineral Supplement for Adult Dogs
Download Data SheetSingle-dose depot contraceptive. It prevents estrus in dogs and cats, when administered during the anestrus period.
Injectable suspension.
Each 1 mL of suspension for injection contains:
Medroxyprogesterone Acetate………….. 50 mg
Excipients c.s.p……………………………………. 1 mL
Single-dose depot contraceptive. It prevents estrus in dogs and cats, when administered during the anestrus period.
Administer exclusively in anestrus.
Intramuscular or subcutaneous route on the inner thigh.
Dosage of the active ingredient:
Product Dosage:
Dogs and cats.
Progestogens interact with the following drugs:
Empty containers can be discarded as household waste, without any special precautions. Do not dispose of containers with product residue on the ground or in waterways. For expired or unused products, contact the manufacturing laboratory.
Store between 2 and 30ºC, away from light. Use immediately once opened and discard any excess product.
Prescription Veterinary Medicine
Reg. SAG N° 361-B
Ampoule bottle with 1 mL
Uzinas Chimicas Brasileiras S.A.
Praça Dr. Joaquim Batista, 150 Jaboticabal – SP, Brazil,
For Laboratorio Drag Pharma Chile Invetec S.A.
Laboratorio Drag Pharma Chile Invetec S.A.
Lautaro N° 300. Quilicura. Santiago. Chile.
You have accessed information referring to pharmaceutical products authorized for sale under a medical prescription. In accordance with Chilean legislation, the promotion and advertising of these products is restricted to professionals who prescribe and dispense them. The information contained on this page is specialized technical and scientific information.