Drag Pharma


Indicated in the treatment and prevention of gastric ulcers in adult horses and foals.

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Data Sheet

Oral pasta.

Indicated in the treatment and prevention of gastric ulcers in adult horses and foals.

Each 100 grams of oral paste contains:
Omeprazole……………………………….37.0 g
Excipients c.s.p………………………. 100 g

Indicated in the treatment and prevention of gastric ulcers in adult horses and foals.


Route of administration: oral

  • For the treatment of gastric ulcers: Administer a dose of 4 mg/kg body weight, once daily, for 28 consecutive days, followed by an administration of 2 mg/kg body weight, once daily for 28 days, to reduce the recurrence of gastric ulcers after treatment. If recurrence occurs, it is recommended to retreat with 4 mg/kg body weight for 28 days.
  • For the prevention of gastric ulcers: Administer a dose of 2 mg/kg body weight, once daily, for 28 consecutive days.
  • To administer the treatment dose, place the dosing device in the division corresponding to the animal’s body weight. The total content of the syringe will allow 1,000 kg of body weight to be treated at a rate of 4 mg of omeprazole/kg of body weight.
  • To administer the maintenance or preventive dose, place the dosing device in the division corresponding to half of the animal’s body weight. In this case, the total content of the syringe will allow four animals weighing 500 kg to be treated at a rate of 2 mg of omeprazole/kg of body weight, or to dose a 500 kg animal for four days.

The practical dosage of Equigastrin
for a 500 kg horse is shown in the table below:

Weight Treatment of gastric ulcers Recurrence Prevention of
gastric ulcers
Day 1 to 28 Day 29 to 56 (for 28 days) (for 28 days)
Horse 500 kg 1/2 syringe
1 time a day
1/4 syringe
1 time a day
1/2 syringe
1 time a day
1/4 syringe
1 time a day
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Do not administer to horses with known hypersensitivity to Omeprazole.
  • Do not administer to pregnant or lactating females.
  • Not recommended for horses under 4 weeks of age or with a body weight of less than 70 kg.
  • Omeprazole may decrease the hepatic clearance of Diazepam, Phenytoin, or Warfarin, so it is recommended not to apply together.
  • Omeprazole may reduce the absorption of ketoconazole, ampicillin esters and iron salts.

Do not administer to horses whose meat is intended for human consumption.

  • Do not eat, drink or smoke during the handling of the product
  • Wash your hands after handling the product.
  • Avoid contact of the product with the skin and eyes.

Omeprazole is generally well tolerated. However, gastrointestinal distress (anorexia, colic, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea) may occur.

Empty containers can be discarded as household waste, in their original and tightly closed container. Do not dispose of containers with product residues on the ground or in waterways.
Contact the manufacturing company or companies specialized in waste disposal, to receive recommendations on the disposal of expired or unused products.

Store at a temperature between 2 and 30 °C, away from light. Once opened, use within 8 days and keep between 15 and 30 ºC, away from light. Discard the unused product after that time period.

Sale by prescription to the Veterinary Doctor.


Chile: Reg. SAG No.: 1954
Uruguay: Reg. MGAP N° 2017A00422
Importer and distributor: MAGNIS S.A.
Asunción 1537, Montevideo – Uruguay.
Tel.: 29001112
Technical Director: D.M.V Diego Cuadrado

Case with 4 syringes with 10.82 g each.

Laboratorio Drag Pharma Chile Invetec S.A.

Lautaro N° 300 • Quilicura • Santiago • Chile

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You have accessed information referring to pharmaceutical products authorized for sale under a medical prescription. In accordance with Chilean legislation, the promotion and advertising of these products is restricted to professionals who prescribe and dispense them. The information contained on this page is specialized technical and scientific information.